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Friday, September 10, 2010

Pray for Science

If religion and science are strange bedfellows maybe philosophy and science can make a go of it.

Well no not really, says Stephen Hawking (photo) Britain's renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist. His new book Grand Design is critiqued by a Guardian journalist in a terrific article. Skimming through that I thought about my own thoughts on the usefulness of philosophy and the utilitarianism of Science and how both co-exist nicely, even if Dr. Hawking believes differently.

The age old debate under the Religion banner is of course Darwinian evolution: Christians who believe in the Book of Genesis and not the Big Bang. To see how the latter have entered into an mid-ground under the banner of Intelligent Design read a USA Today article published last month. Then go back 4 years ago to a Time article written in 2006 and finally skim Stephen Jay Gould's non-overlapping magisteria,(1997).

If you are interested on what people are thinking on this topic, go to the Pew Forum to read about data on attitudes about religion and science.

{Photo courtesy of the Guardian.co.uk]
